
Simplified customizable maps embeds with a single HTML file

Maps is a standalone page to embed based on Leaflet.js.


Just embed map.html through an iframe HTML tag.

<iframe src="../../templates/map.html" class="c-pos m-absolute m-top-left c-dim m-w-100 m-h-100 u-b-none">

Leaflet providers

Among multiple providers, here are the available free tiles layers for Leaflet

It is possible to change the tiles layers through URL GET map_layer parameter, available values are:

  • CartoDB_Voyager
  • OpenStreetMap_Mapnik
  • Stamen_TonerLite
  • Stamen_Terrain
<iframe src="../../templates/map.html?map_layer=OpenStreetMap_France" class="c-pos m-absolute m-top-left c-dim m-w-100 m-h-100 u-b-none">
<iframe src="../../templates/map.html?map_layer=CartoDB_Voyager" class="c-pos m-absolute m-top-left c-dim m-w-100 m-h-100 u-b-none">
<iframe src="../../templates/map.html?map_layer=OpenStreetMap_Mapnik" class="c-pos m-absolute m-top-left c-dim m-w-100 m-h-100 u-b-none">
<iframe src="../../templates/map.html?map_layer=Stamen_TonerLite" class="c-pos m-absolute m-top-left c-dim m-w-100 m-h-100 u-b-none">
<iframe src="../../templates/map.html?map_layer=Stamen_Terrain" class="c-pos m-absolute m-top-left c-dim m-w-100 m-h-100 u-b-none">

Markers from URL

It is possible to add multiple markers through URL GET parameters.

Multiple GET parameters Description
lat Mandatory Latitude
lng Mandatory Longitude
content Optional Text or HTML content

The following example add 2 markers with the GET parameters:

?lat=48.767003&lng=5.175208&content=GOA Bar Le Duc<br>Rue Bradfer<br>55000 BAR-LE-DUC&lat=45.888324&lng=6.105857&content=GOA Annecy

Map automatically fits zoom to markers bounds.

<iframe src="../../templates/map.html?lat=48.767003&lng=5.175208&content=GOA Bar Le Duc<br>Rue Bradfer<br>55000 BAR-LE-DUC&lat=45.888324&lng=6.105857&content=GOA Annecy" class="c-pos m-absolute m-top-left c-dim m-w-100 m-h-100 u-b-none"></iframe>

JSON markers

Adding multiple markers at once from a JSON file.

GET parameter Description
map_markers_json URL of the JSON. Can be either relative or absolute
<iframe src="../../templates/map.html?map_markers_json=" class="c-pos m-absolute m-top-left c-dim m-w-100 m-h-100 u-b-none"></iframe>