Icon fonts

Easily customizable library of icons available through font files

#Available icon fonts

Here are the available icon fonts into the library. Just use the following markup to use any icon into your code.

<span class="icon-*"></span>


    1. Download icomoon.zip
    2. Place /icomoon folder into /fonts folder. Result may looks like this:
      └── icomoon/
          ├── demo-files/
          ├── fonts/
          ├── demo.html
          ├── Read Me.txt
          ├── selection.json
          └── style.css
    3. Point the style.css stylesheet with the following markup into the <head> tag of your page:
      <link href="https://itautomotive-dev.github.io/bymycar-ui/fonts/icomoon/style.css" rel="stylesheet">