Scroll Swap

Swaps CSS classes when window scroll threshold is exceeded


Scroll swap requires the following dependencies:


This script swaps CSS classes when window scroll threshold is exceeded, then rolls back original classes when window scroll is below default or custom threshold.

    <p my-scroll-swap="u-c-support-success"><strong>Scroll down!</strong>,<br>This text changes its color when amount of scroll exceeds 100 pixels.<br><code>u-c-support-success</code> replaces current classes.</p>
    <p my-scroll-swap>This paragraph gets orange when scroll exceeds default threshold because the default swap class is <code>u-c-support-warning</code>.</p>
    <p my-scroll-swap="u-none">This paragraph disappears when scroll exceeds default threshold.</p>
        /* DEMO ONLY */
        body {height:200vh;}
        p:first-child {margin-top:160px; font-size:16px;}
        .my-scroll-swaped {color:orange;} /* Default swap class */


my-scroll.js contains myScrollSwap.defaults object with all default settings:

Global parameter Data attribute Type Description
threshold my-scroll-threshold number Default threshold in pixels
swap my-scroll-swap or my-scroll-classes string Default scroll swap classes if no custom swap classes are defined
onSwap mod-onswap function Optional callback function to invoke when a swap is triggered
// Example of myScrollSwap.defaults
myScrollSwap {
    defaults: {
        threshold: 100, // Default threshold in pixels
        swap: 'my-scroll-swaped' // Default scroll swap classes if no custom swap classes are defined
        onSwap: anyCustomFunction() // Function triggered when a swap is executed


Threshold is the amount of scroll before swap. This feature allows to set a custom theshold on a specific element. Just add my-scroll-threshold custom attribute containing a integer in pixels.

Amount of scroll

Simply triggers the swap when exceeding a scroll top amount.

    <p my-scroll-swap="u-c-support-success" my-scroll-threshold="10"><strong>Scroll down!</strong>,<br>This text changes its color when amount of scroll exceeds 10 pixels.</p>
    <p my-scroll-swap="u-c-support-success" my-scroll-threshold="50"><strong>Scroll down!</strong>,<br>This text changes its color when amount of scroll exceeds 50 pixels.</p>
        /* DEMO ONLY */
        body {height:200vh;}
        p:first-child {margin-top:60px;}

DOM elements

Instead of amount of scroll top, it is possible to set DOM elements in the viewport as trigger for the swap.

    <p my-scroll-swap="u-c-support-success" my-scroll-threshold="#foo, .bar"><strong>Scroll down!</strong>,<br>This text changes its color when <code>#foo</code> element or <code>.bar</code> are visible into the viewport.</p>
    <div id="foo"></div>
    <div class="bar">1</div>
    <div class="bar">2</div>
    <div class="bar">3</div>
        /* DEMO ONLY */
        p {position:fixed; top:0; left:0; width:100%;}
        #foo, .bar {margin-top:150vh; margin-bottom:150vh; background-color:lightgray; height:200px;}


This feature allows to set custom CSS classes on a specific element when threshold is exceeded. Just add string of class names into the my-scroll-swapor my-scroll-classes custom attribute.

    <h1>Scroll down</h1>
    <p class="u-faded" my-scroll-swap="u-c-support-success u-fs-lg"><code>u-faded</code> is replaced by <code>u-c-support-success u-fs-lg</code> when scroll threshold is exceeded.</p>
        /* DEMO ONLY */
        body {height:200vh;}
        p {margin-top:50vh;}


When a swap is executed, myScrollSwap.default.onSwap method is invoked. You can override this method on any element, just add a Javascript function on mod-onswap custom attribute.

    <p my-scroll-swap="u-c-support-success" mod-onswap="console.log('Swapped')">A custom javascript set in <code>mod-onswap</code> is executed when scroll threshold is exceeded.</p>
        /* DEMO ONLY */
        body {height:200vh; }
        p { padding-top:100px; }

Usage examples

    <h1 my-scroll-swap="u-faded" my-scroll-threshold="1">I fade soon</h1>
    <p my-scroll-swap="u-faded" my-scroll-threshold="60">Scroll down to see the button appear. This paragraph fades when scroll exceeds 60 pixels.</p>
    <nav class="u-none" my-scroll-swap="u-fixed u-top-0 u-left-0 u-w-100 u-p-sm u-c-neutral-light-max u-bc-neutral-dark-4" my-scroll-threshold="10">Navbar</nav>
    <a href="#" class="u-none" my-scroll-swap="my-btn mod-sm u-fixed u-bottom-sm u-right-sm">Go to top</a>
        /* DEMO ONLY */
        body {height:200vh;}